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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture is a therapy, which uses natural energies with the application of needles and/or other stimulus to specific points on the body. These points are grouped along certain pathways, known as meridians that are located on all surfaces of the body. Whenever the energy flow through these pathways is absent, deficient, interrupted, excessive, or blocked in any way, health is disrupted, resulting in illness or pain.


Is Acupuncture Safe?

Absolutely. One of the great advantages is the infrequent occurrence of serious side effects, including those from herbs. Needles are the one-time disposable type. The acupuncturist can adjust treatment at any time to react to changes in an individual's condition. Women can be treated for any complications of pregnancy without causing any harm to the mother or baby, although certain points have to be avoided if there is any likelihood of miscarriage. Acupuncture can be combined Western drug therapy, or can be used to eliminate dependence on drugs for chronic conditions.


Can Acupuncture Be Effective When Other Treatments Have Failed?

Yes. Every system of medicine has its own areas in which it has its greatest effectiveness. Acupuncture's advantage is its diagnostic and treatment system that includes a deep understanding of our energetic nature and the impact of energetic imbalance on healing. Diagnosis includes many symptoms that are not viewed as relevant in Western medicine. The acupuncture's approach is to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. The disease is treated as the result of the individual's movement into a healthier state. An illness that eludes bio-chemical diagnosis is often successfully treated on a bio-energetic level.


Are There Any Conditions for which Acupuncture Is Not Reccommended?

Yes. Acupuncture is not generally recommended as the primary method of treatment for severe infections, cancer, and heart failure. However, acupuncture has been found useful in studies for easing the side effects of chemotherapy and of pain in advanced cancer patients. Chinese herbal medicines can be extremely helpful in these cases.


Does Acupuncture Hurt?

No, acupuncturists use very fine, specialized needles which are much smaller than the size of a hypodermic needle. Hypodermic needles are large, hollow-tipped, and serrated in order the tear through the skin in order to draw blood. This is what makes getting a shot so painful. Acupuncture needles on the other hand are about as thick as a strand of hair, and in fact you could fit nearly 20 acupuncture needles inside of a hypodermic needle. In most cases, the patient will not feel the needles at all. Rarely the patient may feel some discomfort at the time of injection, however usually that sensation will subside within a few short seconds. Acupuncture is actually very relaxing, and and many people experience a natural high during and after the treatment.


How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Every person is unique and the amount of treatments necessary will vary. It all depends on the severity and duration of the condition, as well as the individual person's constitution. A consulatation with a licensed acupuncturist will give you a better idea of how many treatments will be required. 


Acute treatments, such as a cold/flu or an acute injury may be resolved after just one treatment. Chronic problems however, may take a little longer. Following an acupuncturist's recommendations for diet and lifestyle will help reduce the number of treatments.

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